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TopicsEvariste Galois BiographyOther BiographiesNot related to Evariste Galois: | The Galois ArchiveEvariste Galois is undoubtedly the father of modern algebra. What he has started in his papers is nowadays in honour of his work called Galois theory. There are lots of biographies and biographical works about him (e.g. by Paul Dupuy, E.T. Bell and the most recent by Lauro Toti Rigatelli). There are fictionalizations of his tragic life in novels (e..g. "Whom the Gods Love" by Leopold Infeld, "The French Mathematician" by Tom Petsinis and "Galois Schweigen" by Bernd Klein), films ("Évariste Galois", directed by Alexandre Astruc, and "Évarist Galois", directed by Danièle Baudrier, and "Non ho tempo", directed by Ansano Giannarelli) But as soon as you start working seriously on the story of his life, you realize how many details are missing, blurred or in the worst case even distorted. While we can correct false and misleading facts - as Tony Rothman did in his work - we will not be able in most cases to recover the missing facts. Another problem lies in the fact, that most of the original texts of Evariste Galois are not easily available, if you are not in working distance of Paris or at least a university with a huge library. Most of the stuff is only available in French and I think it would be great to have them available in other languages as well. Purpose of this Page:
Written by Bernard Bychan; Last Modified: September 15, 2017