Evariste Galois Biography
Other Biographies
Not related to Evariste Galois:

| External LinksBiographical Links The MacTutor History of Mathematics archiveA marvelous site from the University of St. Andrews, Scottland. A huge collection of biographies about famous mathematicians. There is hardly any one missing!
Galois' biography at MacTutor Tony Rothman's Article on Evariste GaloisTony Rothman's article "Genius and Biographers: The Fictionalization of Evariste Galois" is both a biography of Evariste Galois and a critical comparision other biographers' works. He uncovered lots of mistakes and misleading legends about Galois.
The Engines of Our Ingenuity: E. GaloisGo to this site, if you want to listen to Galois story, but it's quite simplified and wouldn't satisfy Rothman's standards.
Periodic Table of MathematiciansTip: You find Evariste Galois in the forth line as the element (Ge) beside of (Ga, Gaus) and (As, Appolonius)
Links to the Galois theory Andreas Caranti's WebsiteAndreas Caranti wrote a splendid introduction into the Galois
theory in Italian.
Joerg Bewersdorff WebsiteJoerg Bewersdorff wrote a magnificent and easy to understand
- at least if you know German -introduction into the Galois theory.
James Milne's SiteOn James Milne's site you can find his well written course notes "Fields and Galois Theory".
Wilkin's SiteThe lecture notes for course 311 (Abstract algebra), taught at Trinity College, Dublin, in the academic year 2001-02Biographical Links without comments A Website in Romanian on Evariste Galois by Maria Matrescu BBC biography Evariste Galois stamps Galois Schweigen (Galois' silence), Novel about Galois Bernard BychanNot about Galois but nevertheless interesting Misuse (or even abuse) of Mathematics, lying with statistics (in German) Lots of interesting information about the art of lying with statistics. Literatur und Wissenschaft Problems and Solutions: Mathematics (German) Problems and Solutions: Linux (German) German Site about the Etruscans (Etrusker)